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Open Letter to Governor Ron DeSantis

We are respectfully writing to request an emergency intervention from Governor Ron DeSantis, on behalf of the Jewish community. Governor DeSantis has been a great supporter of our community and of the Jewish State of Israel. We need his intervention without delay, in order to curb the rapid escalation of antisemitic activities and prevent violence and intimidation tactics from snowballing into further persecution of Jews in Florida and nationwide.

We respectfully and urgently suggest the following strategy, which would not only use Florida as a model and template for all other states to follow, but will showcase Governor DeSantis’ commitment to preventing the spread of a movement replicating NAZI Germany, calling once more for the extermination of Jews.

In recent days we have seen a worldwide scourge of violence against Jews, including protests on Florida’s streets and college campuses. Such protests are being funded through groups associated with George Soros and radical Islamic influences. It seems that the authorities have lost control of this situation and strong leadership is needed, something we have seen in the past from Governor DeSantis. We believe that he is the only Governor who can take the lead and we ask and pray that he takes the following points and use them as a strong, televised, national address. This would be the only way to get the message out fast, as well as simultaneously having it communicated through all newspapers and online media, as he expresses outrage and says in no uncertain terms that this antisemitism will NOT be permitted to happen in Florida.

The safety of our Jewish community is at stake! We need our Governor! Time is of the essence and this brave action would not only ensure the gratitude of those from the Jewish faith, but also that of the Evangelical community, which as you well know is very large and pro-Israel.

Our main strategy and talking points are as follows:

1. Governor DeSantis will make a primetime speech on

television to calm his Jewish residents and announce the following strategy:

2. Closing down Soros SJP and get the names

of all those who were involved with the protests

and have them expelled from their campuses.

3. Alert College administrators to watch for the

recreation of SJP under a new name with Soros


4. Fire all college professors and administrators

who promote antisemitism.

5. Put all teachers and administrators on notice

at the public schools that any antisemitism they

promote will end in termination of their jobs.

6. Same goes for all public sector employees

in the State of Florida.

7. Calling in of the National Guard into communities

with large Jewish populations like Palm Beach, Broward

and Miami Dade counties.

8. Shutting down all rallies which call for the extermination

of Jews (in any language). Issue no permits for same.

9. As a follow-up to his televised address, have his office set up a press conference

which goes above the fold on all newspapers and in

all online media where he expresses outrage and

says in no uncertain terms that this antisemitism will

NOT be permitted to happen in Florida.

With the utmost gratitude from your terrified Jewish constituents,

~ Team JEXIT - Jews Exiting the Democrat Party

~ Lauren Gross , The Gross Family Center for the Study of Antisemitism and the Holocaust

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