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In June 2023 join JEXIT and Tom Homan in Israel!

Dear JEXIT family and friends, please accept this invitation to join our leadership team in Israel this coming June. Where, with top experts from the US and Israel we will study and evaluate Israel’s border walls and barriers in light of the border crisis in the United States.

Team JEXIT, in conjunction with our coalition partners and friends at Defend the Border & Save Lives, have been planning this trip for several months to witness first hand and help show that border walls do indeed work and that in order for the U.S. to maintain our sovereignty, we must, like our best friend Israel, Defend our Borders! As part of this mission, in conjunction with our coalition partners there will be film production as well as on location broacasting which will absolutely enhance the value and lasting impact of the trip.

Needless to say, during this exciting Judeo/Christian trip we will also be visiting many important historical and biblical sites as well as so many extraodinarily beautiful parts of this amazing country both on and off the beaten path. And don't forget the fun part, because there will be tons of it!!

Please visit: to learn more and hopefully sign up.

Finally, if you are unable to be part of the group but would like to support the mission, we are accepting tax deductible donations to help with the costs, including but not limited to general administration, production and travel expenses for some of the guests/leaders.

Donations can be made at Defend The Border...

Thank you for your thoughtful consideration and to learn more please visit us at or contact us by email at

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